ASHRAE 90.2-2018 raising the bar on energy efficiency for new homes, Associated Builders and Contractors' annual investment in workforce development, Colorado's potential upgrade to energy and water standards, heat pumps reducing greenhouse gas emissions
In fact, it is cork. An increasing number of architects and home designers are using cork for more than décor, including roof cladding, insulation, and flooring.
Based on Census data, a new ranking of states tracks domestic migration trends of Americans aged 60 years or more to find which states were most and least popular with retirees.
This week, rates for 30-year fixed mortgages ticked up to 4.20 percent, a gain of three basis points over the previous week, and the fourth consecutive weekly gain, according to Freddie Mac's latest data.
The U.S. homeownership rate was down to 64.2 percent in Q1 2019, down six basis points over the previous quarter, and posted virtually no annual change, according to the latest Census data.
It's prime real estate season and on the West Coast, inventory is ticking up and sales are struggling, with some indications that home prices may fall, if they haven't already.
Low supply and affordability are major headwinds facing today's homebuyers, as is the current age disparity among homeowners, according to new analysis.
The 2019 Coverings was full of opposing forces—large-format slabs next to tiny mosaics, and bold graphics paired with hyperrealistic wood and concrete effects.