Trends Spring Buying Season in Metro Denver Is Already Breaking Records Last month in metro Denver, price appreciation for homes sold "continued to perform gravity-defying feats," according to The Denver Post. ...
Trends San Francisco's Median Home Sale Price Surpassed $1.5 Million The median home sale price in San Francisco increased $100,000 in the first quarter of 2018 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2017. The...
Market Data + Trends Study Shows Urban Gentrification by Education, Income A new study of domestic migration patterns in the U.S. shows the ways in which some of the most attractive and expensive urban centers are...
Trends Homebuyers Are Off to the Races This Spring Experts are comparing this spring homebuying season to a race between Millennial first-time homebuyers, Gen Xers hoping to trade up, and ...
Trends How Real Estate Descriptions Yield Home Sale Price Premiums Many home sellers are finding that words matter. When describing their home's features in a real estate listing, including certain features...
Market Data + Trends Homeownership Study Looks at Rates by County, Race A March 2018 study by the National Association of Home Builders looks at the differences in homeownership rates between Hispanic or Latino,...
Builders New Leadership at Mid-Atlantic Firm Dan Ryan Builders As of April 1, 2018, Ronald Salameh is president of Mid-Atlantic new-home and townhome builder Dan Ryan Builders. Salameh is succeeding the...
Trends Artist Housing Is a 'Pathway to Prosperity' Increasing numbers of mayors and city planners are staking their cities' economic development on innovation, collaboration, and the value...
Trends Smart City Developments Raise Concerns Over Data Collection, Usage Developer L Star Ventures, in partnership with General Electric, is planning a smart city named Union Point in Weymouth, Massachusetts, 12...
Trends 'Back to the City' Economic Model Has Peaked, Now What? In the wake of the Great Recession's effect on the housing and mortgage markets, renting in urban cores became a trend borne of necessity,...