Trends Housing Economists Say Home Price Gains Mean Greater Buyer Competition This Spring Home prices continue to rise, the supply and demand levels on the housing market are still imbalanced, and the spring peak buying season is...
Trends Buyer, Seller Confidence Levels Ahead of Spring Housing Season American consumers are more confident about the economy now than last quarter. Yet, homebuyer confidence is at a two-year low. Buyer...
Design Steer Clear of These Eight Design Trends They may be hot, but these eight design trends are more trouble than they are worth, such as slipcovers, all-white color palettes, metal...
Trends Market Fundamentals, Tax Law, Rates Are Framing 2018 Spring Buying Season This year's spring homebuying season may be one of the most anticipated in a while, as unbalanced supply and demand, rising interest rates,...
Market Data + Trends Spring Homebuying Season Will Likely Be Hot Year-over-year home price gains in January 2018, per the U.S. National Case Shiller Index, presages a hot spring for homebuying. Zillow...
Opinion Facebook's Housing Crisis The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) filed a lawsuit against Facebook this week, arguing that the company allows real estate brokers...
Market Data + Trends Wildfires Reforged NorCal Housing Markets The destruction of the wildfires in Northern California communities have been a major disruptor for local housing markets. Competition...
Market Data + Trends Correlating Homeownership With Unemployment, Mobility A paper from Federal Reserve economist Daniel Ringo concludes that two effects of homeownership are increased unemployment and decreased...
Digital Marketing Marketers vs. Algorithms: Stop Playing Private Eye Trying to outsmart algorithms is a fool’s game. Great content is what matters. Here’s why
Business Management Certification Is a Powerful Thing If you’re an employee, attaining certification will help you establish an edge. If you’re an employer, offering it will help to attract plum hires