Opinion Houston Homeowners and Investors Face Risk Hurricanes Harvey and Irma damaged nearly 1.8 million homes, with uninsured flood losses of nearly $57 billion, per real estate data firm...
Trends Home Alone: More Americans Living Unpartnered, Especially Young Adults Over the past decade, the U.S. Census Bureau has been collecting detailed data on cohabitation. The number of U.S. adults living unpartnered...
Market Data + Trends National Association of Realtors "Jeopardizing Tax Reform," Says Koch Group Yesterday, The Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, a group backed by billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, launched their...
Market Data + Trends Housing, Income Gap Study Deepens Tax Reform Debate As the Trump administration moves forward with their tax reform agenda, the mortgage interest tax deduction has become a hotly debated topic...
Design Ikea Launches Furniture Collection for Pets Ikea recently announced Lurvig, (Swedish for "shaggy"), it's first pet furniture collection. Products include bowls, beds, toys, and more,...
Energy Efficiency UC Davis Solar Decathlon Entry Focuses on Water Usage Competing in the U.S. Department of Energy's biennial Solar Decathlon, UC Davis' students had extreme weather in mind while creating their...
Market Data + Trends Single-Family Rentals: 5 Things You Should Know The Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center recently hosted a discussion with three single-family rental experts to evaluate five...
Market Data + Trends For Some, Student Housing is More Expensive Than Buying a Home In many places, the high price of student housing point to the value of purchasing a home rather than living in the dorms. Pro Teck...
Market Data + Trends Report: Happy, Healthy Living is More Likely in City Centers According to a new study comparing 400,000 residents of cities, including London, Cardiff, and Glasgow by Oxford University and the...
Market Data + Trends Are Current Affordable Housing Programs Effective? Programs that incentivize the creation and new development of affordable housing units have been in effect in the U.S. since the mid-'70s,...