Business Management On-Site vs. Off-Site: a Total Cost Analysis for Home Builders Most builders and component suppliers do a marginal job of calculating true, fully loaded, total cost when comparing various methods. It’s time to remedy that
Opinion Managing Rising Costs and Risk Land, labor, and material costs are chipping away at home building's already thin margins
Financials Cash Isn't Just King, It's Your Lifeline Four experts explain how paying attention to cash flow can help keep builders from robbing Peter to pay Paul
Off-Site Construction Exclusive Research: The Off-Site Argument Everyone says off-site construction is the answer to housing’s supply, labor, and affordability challenges—except single-family builders
Business Management Profit Margin Study A recent study tackling the cost of doing business in home building uses survey data to create "profitability benchmarks" for the industry. ...
Financials 6 Seller FAQs for i-Buyers Real estate platform Redfin's instant offer program, RedfinNow, makes a cash offer and closes within days without listings or showings. Such...
Construction Labor Drives Regional Variation in Construction Costs Recent analysis from BuildZoom found that between construction’s two major cost contributors, material and labor, material prices remain...
Financials Credit Card Balances Growing in U.S. More Americans are using their credit cards more frequently, as credit card balances grew 3.6 percent on average in 50 major U.S. cities,...
Business Management You Guys Don't Count So Good: The 5 Most Common Home Builder Measurement Fails Measurement failure—the source of many bad decisions in home building—ultimately means one thing: profit loss
Opinion Urban Placemaking Small-scale manufacturers are helping move hard-to-sell retail space, and they’re bringing jobs back