Profit-based compensation systems have the proven potential to motivate employees while increasing their focus on critical business issues such as revenue, cost control, profit, and customer satisfaction
Barbara Allen, a housing analyst with Arnhold & Breichroeder Inc., is convinced housing price reversals will take the entire economy into a deeper recession as soon as 2003.
With homeownership at a record level of about 68%, a burning question among economists and housing industry watchers is how high it ultimately will go.
Construction loan debt is typically variable and tied to the prime rate, so the big drop in interest rates during the past year has benefited many builders and developers.
Money magazine is a pretty good gauge of the overall climate on Wall Street. So what, according to its December issue, is today’s best stock value? In an article titled “The Rock,” it is none other than the housing industry’s financial partner, F
Fannie Mae economist David Berson concedes that the U.S. economy is in a recession but says it likely will be short and that the recovery, by the second half of 2002, should be strong.