Making money as a builder has never been more demanding than it is today. New tools and ideas are required to achieve success. Join Professional Builder's editors Patrick O'Toole and David Barista and columnist Scott Sedam for a fast-paced, one-hour webi
Five narrow-lot housing solutions that address such critical elements as garage placement, the value of side yards, and maintaining privacy without losing views
Home-building giant Meritage Homes cut the ribbon last month on its first high-performance, green community in the San Antonio area. To help educate potential buyers on the green homes, Meritage built a demonstration home that “literally peels back the
Going green doesn’t have to cost more. Experts have identified design and construction tactics that builders can use to minimize the cost premium for green
Delta Group, one of the world’s largest providers of switching power supplies and DC brushless fans for the electronics industries, has adapted its ultra-quiet DC brushless motor design for its new collection of Breez Ventilation Fans.
American Standard has debuted the industry’s first truly siphonic, dual-flush toilet, which utilizes the company’s PowerWash technology to provide a strong, yet quiet, push and pull action to scour the bowl with every flush.
Professional Builder magazine is partnering with modular home manufacturers Palm Harbor Homes and Nationwide Homes, along with more than 30 building product manufacturers, to build an oceanfront community in the heart of Orlando. Three model homes &mdash