A new release of poll results among first- and second-time+ homebuyers asked which home features they considered essential in their next home. Both groups put living and laundry rooms in the top two spots.
First-time homebuyers had fewer essentials in the poll than homebuyers purchasing for the second time or more, including a dining room, a 2-car garage with storage, a front porch, and 40 percent wanted a double sink in the kitchen. While second-time+ buyers did not say front porches were essential, patios, hardwood flooring, granite countertops, and Energy Star appliances were exclusive to their essentials list, per the National Association of Home Builders' poll.
The list of essential items is a bit longer among second-time+ buyers. It includes many of the same features wanted by first-time buyers, plus a few more: a patio, table space for eating in the kitchen, hardwood floors in the main level, energy-star appliances, and granite countertops in the kitchen. Interestingly, the top two features are identical for both groups, although in reverse order: the laundry room and the living room.