Many Millennials expressed that homes they can afford tend to be in areas with “significant barriers to living a healthy life,” the Urban Land Institute found in a study.
The latest report, which reveals new information about what Americans want in housing, was presented at the 2015 ULI Spring Meeting session moderated by former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Henry B. Cisneros, with a panel of Millennial real estate professionals who live and work throughout the United States.
What the ULI found to be important to the Millennial demographic is access to outdoor spaces to run, walk, bike, and exercise, as well as convenient access to healthy food options.
The survey also found that more than 60 percent of Millennials want to live in areas where they can use their cars less.
But most housing options in areas that fit this criteria, located in the urban cores in major cities throughout the United States, are not affordable to Millennials.