The effort to merge the three major building codes — BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators), ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials) and SBCCI (Southern Building Code Congress International) — under one umbrella, the Internat
If hearing about sprawl day in and day out makes you sick, you won’t like what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says in Creating a Healthy Environment: The Impact of the Built Environment on Public Health
I magine that a new state law requires your local government to streamline the subdivision approval process, making it easier for you to develop land and build homes.
Counties and local governments in the Chicago area were recently put on notice -- ensure that their residential development fees conform with state laws or face an imminent threat of litigation
Proposed regulatory changes for wetlands development activities would bring almost no flexibility or regulatory relief to the Clean Water Act Section 404 program and would modify only slightly the onerous wetlands Nationwide Permit (NWP) restrictions i..