Innovation The Next Great Thing in Home Building? ... or Not Over the last 20 years, companies have popped up promising to revolutionize home building, but their visions remain elusive
Home Technology Safety and Ethics of Smart Home Technology An increase in calls linked to domestic abuse via smart home technology highlights the need for consumer and manufacturer awareness
Opinion National Flood Insurance Program Extended by House This week, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) extension was authorized for another four months by the U.S. House of Representatives...
Opinion Many Americans at Risk of Flooding Are Underinsured, Unaware Peak hurricane season is coming to the states bordering the Atlantic Ocean, and many homeowners remain underinsured, according to federal...
Opinion Housing Groups Push for Extension of National Flood Insurance Program Ahead of July Expiration In a letter to Congressional leadership, more than 20 major housing trade groups including the National Association of Realtors, the...
Opinion Property Tax Limitations Land-Locking California A new opinion piece by columnist Virginia Postrel says California's popular property-tax limitation Proposition 13 "wasn’t meant to...
Opinion How to Avoid Monotony in Production Homes Beware: Many of today’s buyers can spot cookie-cutter homes faster than you can say “1950s Levittown”
Opinion Homebuyer Preparedness Ahead of Flood Insurance Deadline On July 31, the National Flood Insurance Program will expire, barring congressional renewal. Homebuyers who plan to get flood insurance...
Opinion Single-Family Rental Company Facing Class Action Lawsuit The biggest single-family rental company in the nation, Invitation Homes, is facing a new lawsuit in California claiming tenants have been...
Opinion Renting Becoming a Destination, Rather Than a Stepping Stone Boomers and Millennials are two of the fastest-growing groups of renters today, preferring convenience and community in their housing...