City migration, preference for community could be harbingers for infill; Zillow survey finds consumers need Mortgage 101; six builders break ground in Canyon Falls, Texas
FHFA hands Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac new loan purchase guidelines; Foreclosures and bad loans near pre-housing-crisis levels; Land buy shows strong demand for Inland Empire
Towns experiment with different approaches to stimulate new-home building during the recovery; Home builder bonds still draw speculative grades; Ontario’s building code embraces DWHR technology; More home builders head for Wall Street
A group of Fayetteville, N.C., builders and developers is pressing the city for concessions on the zoning and development codes that were approved nearly two years ago.
According to a report from the National Association of Realtors and, ten housing markets have dropped significantly in the last year, despite a general overall improvement in median sales prices across the country.
The International Living Future Institute announced the launch of Delcare, an ingredients label for building products. Declare acts as a “nutrition label,” by providing manufacturers and specifiers of building materials with a list of the produc
The New Home Company of Aliso Viejo, Calif. has formed a new subsidiary, TNHC Land, to source and purchase land in key Southern California and Northern California markets. Andrew “A.J.” Jarvis has been named president of TNHC Land.