The Partnership for the Advancement of Technology in Housing, made up of government entities, home builders, product manufacturers and others, has chosen the top 10 home building technologies to develop further and bring to a wider market in 2004. Field or laboratory tests have shown that each of the following technologies meets or has the potential to meet one of PATH's five goals: affordability (the overriding priority), energy efficiency, durability, environment and safety.
- Frost-protected shallow foundations
- Home-run plumbing systems
- Engineered panelized systems
- HVAC optimization
- Tankless water heaters
- Shared (community) waste-water treatment
- Air-admittance vents
- Low-impact development
- Integrated steel/wood combination framing
- Precast concrete panels (walls and foundation)
Some of these technologies, such as frost-protected shallow foundations (which are protected against frost without requiring excavation below the frost line) and air-admittance vents (pressure-activated, one-way mechanical venting ports that eliminate multiple roof penetrations for plumbing systems), have been used successfully in Europe for decades but only recently have gained significant support from U.S. home builders.
For more on each of these technologies, including installation details, costs, benefits, limitations and field evaluations, visit