In answering the question of which trade contractor group is best-suited to install its solar-energy products, Michigan-based Uni-Solar turned to the obvious choice: roofers.
It would be easy to jump to the conclusion that the Masters of the Universe captain their own destiny and do as they please.
Southern yellow pine has one unique property that other lumber does not: sticky yellow resin.
It would be easy to jump to the conclusion that the Masters of the Universe captain their own destiny and do as they please.
Often called the 'eyes' of a house, windows are one of the most architecturally expressive features of a home.
Any builder producing 1,000 units a year or more is likely to complain occasionally that home building isn't as much fun as it was when the company was smaller.
We've all heard it and most likely said it: It takes curb appeal to sell a new home.
It's hardly big enough for a quick peck, but this cozy spot under the stairs is called the 'Kissing Nook' by everyone at Orren Pickell Designers & Builders in Bannockburn, Ill.
Coming to accept that not everything works the way you believe it does is difficult, disturbing and ultimately shoves you into the next phase of your life.
Interior decorators and homeowners have done a super job of furnishing other rooms in the house