The Job Offer Letter. In its simplest sense, the template for a job offer letter might be fairly generic. Hitting the right hot buttons for a job offer letter requires some thought and preparation. The same process that goes into composing a job offer le
Florida technology services company, DiscoverTec LLC, specializes in Web site design, hosting and maintenance. The firm, through its director of Web development Jesse McKay, recently shared its guidelines for firms thinking of updating their Web sites. T
Imagine with me, for a moment, if Paul Tagliabue, Commissioner of the National Football League, were to receive a letter like this from an upset Detroit Lions fan*: Dear Mr. Tagliabue, I am a long-time, loyal fan of the Detroit Lions — owner of one
To help builders comply with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program established under the Clean Water Act, the NAHB has posted a 32-page TMDL Tool Kit on its Web site. The tool kit — available as a free PDF download — is a useful tool to
Sitting in the audience at a recent real estate forecast meeting, one of the speakers offered this insight: "The lack of prime terra firma on which to build and develop is one of the biggest problems confronting industry players." Not exactly new
April is National Landscape Architecture month — a fitting time to draw attention to the importance of home builders to the American Society of Landscape Architects, and a new opportunity involving the professional society's annual awards progr
Whoever said charity begins at home was one-upped last October 3 when millions of Americans watched crews from Shea Homes donate thousands of dollars in time, resources and labor to build a new house for the Garay family of Los Angeles on ABC's Extreme M
The Michigan Land Use Institute's Follow The Money report blasts decades of "profoundly misguided" state policies in Michigan that amount to "subsidizing sprawl" while fostering obesity and white flight from neglected cities. If resea
In Financial Management - Part 1, we discussed the importance of setting up a solid accounting system to accurately measure what has happened in the past so we can make better decisions for the future. In Financial Management - Part 2, we discussed the i
A National Association of Realtors' (NAR) study of second home purchases recently revealed a wave of new speculators in the real estate market. With investment home sales making up 23% of the real estate market, homebuyers are turning to real estate