There are two common reasons the majority home builders' offer for not embracing green building and sustainable design: They don't want to throw out everything they know and re-learn how to build green houses. It costs too much to build green houses.
The green building concept has been catching on so well that web sites devoted to the topic are cropping up everywhere.
Builders and developers have been winning arguments before the Supreme Court for several years now, each time building on the legal ground of their previous victory.
Burgess Park, a high-density neighborhood of 33 detached homes near downtown Menlo Park, California is a good candidate for the benchmark against which all infill developments should be measured.
South Carolina neotraditional developer Robert Turner built a national reputation by extending Beaufort's beautiful and historic neighborhoods replicating classic period architectureon adjacent land assemblies.
Lewis Kostiner's pride and joy is 850 West Adams, five blocks west of the Seart Tower.
One of the main tools in builders' efforts to create the best possible residential environment is higher-density housing, including townhouses and apartments as well as detached houses.
A new Internet-based service is providing hiring muscle to builders feeling the labor crunch.