While greenfield developers tend to hire expensive marketing consultants to create a history that projects authenticity and mystique, infill sites often have the real thing.
The cedar grain of Portsmouth Shake covers the area under the profile edge as well as the face of the panel.
The keys: Avoid shortcuts in hiring, and know your company culture.
In the ongoing quest to recruit the best and brightest, leading home builders this spring are scouring the ranks of construction management schools in search of the likes of Ethan Foster.
Ridgid wet/dry vacuums offer 2 to 6.5 peak horsepower in 6- to 16-gallon capacities.
A few years ago, you couldn’t sell buyers on anything other than a soaring two-story entry with a grand staircase.
What you don’t know about the art and science of pegging new homes for sale could kill your dreams.
Clay Street pavers are made for exterior residential applications such as driveways, patios and sidewalks.
California builder Keith Christopherson wanted to close the gap between his company’s strategic plan and the actual outcome, so he met with a management consultant two years ago to identify areas needing improvement.
Atlanta move-up Giant John Wieland Homes’ 3,300-square-foot Amherst model at Creekside adds a neighborhood pricing differential of $94,000.