Lambert Arceneaux is thriving on the "unofficial design revitalization" he sees taking place in Houston's historic neighborhoods. Following success as a remodeler on historic jobs, he formed Allegro Builders in 1997 and has delighted mostly u
David Hale, President of Hale Development discusses what products he won't build without.
I recently returned from Professional Builder's Benchmark Conference where I feasted on a cornucopia of educational seminars served up by some of the best minds inside and outside our industry. One of those was Ram Charan, an acclaimed adviser, autho
A mid-August poll published in USA Today indicated 71 percent of respondents would accept a tax hike to keep developers away from their property. I don't know who asked the survey question, nor do I know how it was asked, but I'd like to see the
In today's highly competitive marketplace, building product manufacturers have to work hard at establishing relationships with their savvy builder-customers. Fortunately, hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Builders appreciate the extra mile a product manufa
This fourth article in the Land Acquisition and Development Finance series discusses the different types of financing available for funding land acquisition
Statistics show that "Be back" customers — those returning for a second or third visit — are almost four times as likely as new prospects to purchase a home. What is the goal with "Be back" customers? Does the approach change for a first time custome
Mother Nature is ironic. As one part of the country was being saturated by rain and flood waters, the rest of the country was suffering one of the longest droughts on record. Lush lawns baked to a golden straw; blooming buds dried as quickly as they grew