With architectural and planning solutions promoting a residential character, an exacting code process challenged the Front Street team.
For any builder who has passed over a beautiful piece of ground because of the terrain, Rob Cole has a solution.
A high-end custom builder experiments with factory-built housing to beef up business.
The days of 'back-of-the-envelope' land deals and 'rule-of-thumb' land planning disappeared in the last decade, replaced by rigorous analysis with the goal of eking out every potential dime from very expensive dirt. Now, a new tool can help sharpen the..
Home buyers say they want more garage, but bigger doesn't mesh with some municipalities' mandate to reduce garages' street presence.
Improve profitability by looking at direct construction costs before tackling operating expenses.
Front Street has traditional single-family housing, with no resemblance to live/work urban lofts that put the business below and living quarters above. Ralph Spargo says Standard Pacific and Bassenian/Lagoni Architects aimed for house plus office, not ..
A French company offers a line of veneer panels with a mix of shapes, colors, textures and species to create three-dimensional effects.
The Census Bureau's recently released American Community Survey makes us wonder if home builders are ready for recent immigration's impact on local housing markets.