At the end of the day, way too many of you are sneaking out the construction entrance with your lights off when you should be cruising slowly down the street you built, waving at everyone and asking that recent close on lot 137 how her youngest daughte..
Looking to save money and keep your home buyers happier longer on your next new home project?
The National Tour of Solar Homes was held October 16, 1999 in 36 states from Alabama to Wisconsin.
Seeking to restore 'scenic equilibrium' to the shores of Lake Tahoe, the same regional agency that re-cently won a long-running property rights case is flexing its muscle again.
The metal Dryerbox installs between studs behind a dryer to collect and house the flex exhaust hose.
The MS350 10-inch miter saw integrates a front bevel lock system onto the miter action shaft at the front of the saw, so the same shaft that locks the miter action also locks the bevel mechanism.
Exterior Accents latex paint is designed to eliminate concern about colorfastness.