A California company is making a name for itself with a product that lets builders and architects specify preformed steel arches rather than have crews build them on site, making the move from concept to execution easier and faster.
The Easy-Arch, by a company of the same name, is a preformed, 25-gauge galvanized steel framing arch that nails in place in a fraction of the time it takes to build an arch the traditional way. Most Easy-Arches are one piece, and available styles include 90-degree quarter-circle, 180-degree half-circle, eyebrow, elliptical and compound radius, with 130 standard sizes in all. Each product is engineered to be nonstructural and non-load-bearing, and can be used to create precise interior and exterior doorways, windows, hallways, cased openings and nooks.
A distributor list and other information are available at www.easy-arch.com.