I-joist manufacturers' standards dictate that web holes must be perfect circles to transfer shear forces properly, and they advise builders of the minimum distance between holes and from bearing points of the joist.
But with multiple subcontractors all cutting holes in I-joists to get their part of the job done, mis-cutting and mis-locating holes happen frequently. That means not only failed inspections but also weakened joists and possibly premature failure.
With ReWeb, Matrix Xtreme hopes to make it easier to repair or reinforce improper holes without replacing the I-joist or performing a fix prescribed by an engineer. ReWeb, a U-shaped device made of 16-gauge steel, fits between the joist flanges to restore the joist's load-bearing capability. It resists about 3,000 pounds of shear, the company says.
Matrix Xtreme tested ReWeb with every major manufacturer of I-joists, in every series and at every depth, owner and inventor John Davis says.
Visit www.matrixxtreme.com or call 866/320-5340.