Sales The Hottest Neighborhoods In Each Major Metro Area A theme emerged: Due to rising prices in urban cores, many buyers are searching for homes in neighborhoods on the edges of the city or in nearby suburbs
Single-Family Homes Monthly Mortgage Payments Swell In Coastal Markets Since many of the most expensive U.S. housing markets are along the coasts, it makes sense that monthly mortgage payments are rising highest...
Sales Optimistic Brokers See Home Sales Growth Doubling In 2017 Survey finds that sales growth is expected to reach 7.6 percent or better
Sales Mississippi Is Home To The Most Affordable Beach Towns With a short coastline along the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi isn’t really known for its sandy beaches. Maybe that’s why houses near the...
Project Management Chesmar Homes, Newland Communities Partner To Build Home To Benefit Houston Charities Chesmar Homes and Newland Communities are partnering to build a 2,733 square foot house that will benefit two Houston charities, according...
Single-Family Homes Unplanned Retirement Communities Will Become More Common As More Older Adults Age In Place Smaller, less-dense cities will need to accommodate seniors who stay put
Sales How The Rising Aging Population Will Impact Housing As the 65 and older population increases to one-fifth the population by 2035, builders and the real estate industry will have to adapt by...
Sales Home Prices To Rise, Rents To Slow In Denver New construction has failed to keep up with rises in population and employment in Denver, causing the median price of a house in the metro...
Single-Family Homes “Surban” Areas Blend The Most Desirable Traits Of Urban And Suburban Living Experts have a new term for the type of places that incorporate accessible urban amenities into more relaxed suburban settings. “Surban,”...
Sales The Best Times To Buy, Sell, And Build A House Spring is the start of the homebuying season, but a little patience pays off. SmartAsset says the best time to sell a house is in the...