When it comes to specifying window systems for new-home projects, energy efficiency and price are the top considerations among home builders, according to a December 2010 survey of Professional Builder readers. Nearly eight in 10 survey respondents (79.11 percent) ranked energy efficiency as a top factor, while about two-thirds said price is a key consideration (see tables below).
The vast majority of builders surveyed (76.82 percent) offer high-performance, energy-efficient windows as standard in their new homes, and more than a third (38.19 percent) sell high-performance windows as an upgrade. Of the builders that offer window upgrades, most said that only a small percentage of their customers choose to pay for higher-grade windows. The primary challenge is educating buyers on the benefits and true value of better windows.
“The real issue is getting home buyers to commit to pay the amount of dollars for efficiency in relationship to cost of home,” said one builder. Another respondent said: “It’s all about educating the public and competing with builders who just buy at a price line and not a quality system. You have to show your buyers a ‘real’ load calculation and what their payback will be. Be accurate. If not, it will damage your reputation and long-term business.”
With regard to trends in window style and framing systems, double-hung windows and vinyl frames are specified most often among survey respondents. Nearly a third (28.19 percent) said they use double-hungs on all projects they build, while more than one in five builders (22.84 percent) indicated that they specify single-hung units for all their homes. About one in three builders said they specify vinyl frames on all projects, while about 28 percent use wood on all homes they build.
What are your top considerations when specifying windows for your new homes? (Base: 225)
- Energy efficiency 79.11%
- Price 65.78%
- Quality/performance 62.22%
- Manufacturer’s reputation 24.89%
- Low maintenance 18.22%
- Aesthetics 17.33%
- Warranty 17.33%
- Availability 14.22%
- Helps meet energy code 12.89%
- Easy of installation 8.44%
- Customization options 6.22%
- Loyalty/relationship with manufacturer 5.33%
- Helps achieve green certification 4.00%
- Other 2.22%
Do you offer energy-efficient, high-performance windows for your new homes? (Base: 220)
- Yes, as an optional upgrade 19.55%
- Yes, as a standard 58.18%
- Yes, as both a standard and upgrade (i.e., good/better/best) 18.64%
- No 3.64%
If you offer energy-efficient windows as an optional upgrade, approximately what percentage of your buyers choose to upgrade their windows? (Base: 159)
- Less than 10 percent 30.82%
- 11-25 percent 30.82%
- 26-50 percent 13.21%
- 51-75 percent 10.06%
- More than 75 percent 15.09%
On average, how many windows do you specify for each home you build? (Base: 220)
- Less than 10 10.91%
- 10-15 34.55%
- 16-20 28.64%
- 21-25 11.82%
- More than 25 14.09%
What types of windows do you specify for your homes? (Base: 225)
All projects Some projects Do not use
- Double Hung 28.19% 63.83% 7.98%
- Single Hung 22.84% 44.44% 32.72%
- Casement 20.22% 68.85% 10.93%
- Picture/Fixed 21.76% 72.35% 5.88%
- Arched 11.69% 76.62% 11.69%
- Skylight/Clerestory 10.60% 70.86% 18.54%
- Bay 9.72% 72.92% 17.36%
- Awning 7.19% 56.83% 35.97%
- Glider 6.62% 58.09% 35.29%
What types of frame materials do you specify for your homes? (Base: 225)
All projects Some projects Do not use
- Vinyl 31.32% 59.34% 9.34%
- Wood 28.49% 59.88% 11.63%
- Aluminum 8.27% 39.10% 2.63%
- Fiberglass 5.51% 45.67% 48.82%
- Composite 2.56% 46.15% 51.28%
- Steel 0.91% 23.64% 75.45%