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This article first appeared in the PB February 2002 issue of Pro Builder.

Each of the 2002 Professional Builder Achievement Award winners casts a wide net in the new residential construction industry. While the vision and the path for creating more profitable businesses, for building more energy-efficient, sustainable homes and for helping those in society most desperate for shelter may be theirs, Jack Robinson, Sam Rashkin and Mike Lennon don’t seek glory. Simply, each seeks to spread the word of what can be, why it should be and how to make a different and better future a reality today. For leading all of us on this journey, we at Professional Builder gratefully say thank you.

Achievement Award Winners
Rayco’s Management Maven
It’s hard to imagine a retiree with more influence on the direction of production home building management methods than Jack Robinson. If you’re surveying buyers to discover what makes them tick or working to improve consistency in work flows, you are under Jack Robinson’s spell, even if you’ve never heard his name.

An Energy Star
During the energy crunch that began in the spring of 2001, consumers saw their monthly utility bills increase by leaps and bounds within months. As winter approached, Easterners dreaded the potential rise of furnace oil prices, while homeowners in the South and West braced for electricity costs not seen in more than a decade. And as a direct result of shortages and price hikes, California saw its enormous budget surplus evaporate quickly, with expenditures of more than $6 billion for power purchases.

Building Hope and Homes
They have a big story to tell, and they tell it without benefit of a celebrity spokesperson, a big media presence or the lavish fund-raising events that enhance awareness of many charitable organizations. They are HomeAid America, and with a nine-member staff, plus more than 30,000 dedicated volunteers in the home building industry, they are making a difference in the lives of temporarily homeless men, women and children across the country.

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