Home buyers concerned about the safety of chemicals used in pressure-treated lumber for decks and sill plates often need a builder's reassurance that the product is safe. For instance, they should know that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency concluded that wood treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA) is safe for all residential uses.
They also should know that to address concerns about CCA wood, suppliers have voluntarily agreed to cease production of pressure-treated lumber with CCA after Dec. 31, 2003.
To provide more detailed information about the product, the Southern Pine Council and the American Wood Preservers recently released a new edition of the brochure Answers to Questions About Pressure-Treated Wood. In addition to facts about CCA and a new generation of preservatives, it has information about fastener requirements, uses and relative costs.
For free copies, visit www.southernpine.com or call 504/443-4464.