Awards Casa Xixim | Gold Award The coastal vacation home is equal parts green, beautiful, and luxurious
House Review Pocket Neighborhoods for Today's Market A century-old idea is being reborn, and it offers smart answers to the demands of today’s market
House Review House Review: Multifamily for the Single-Family Builder For single-family builders that haven’t yet ventured into multifamily, these designs offer an approachable introduction
Awards The Warm Side of Modernism There's a warming trend in contemporary homes, and it speaks to buyer preferences
House Styles A Warmer Spin on Modern Architecture Modern homes have come a long way from the cold white boxes of the 1920s, and buyers are snapping them up
House Review Right-Sized Small Homes That Live Larger Than Their Footprint Sized right for first-time buyers and downsizers alike, these homes make the most of a compact footprint
Planning + Development Agrihoods Draw Homebuyers Back to the Land Agrihoods—communities centered around working farms—are attracting homebuyers with a keen interest in fresh, local food
BALA Best in American Living Awards Seven Trends From The Best In American Living Awards Enormous kitchen islands, lavish outdoor rooms, and blended architectural styles are three major design trends in housing this year
House Plans House Plans for Narrow Lots and Wide Lots When designing homes for narrow or wide lots, considerations like scale, privacy, garage placement, and natural light are paramount
Design MPC Trends And Active Adults Randy Jackson, president of PlaceWorks, a California-based community planning and design firm, identifies trends in the design of master plans