Design Home Design: Ongoing Housing Upturn Sees Homeowners Desiring More Special Features The most recent AIA survey on home design trends reflects evolving households.
House Review House Review: Multifamily Designs on a Small Scale The House Review design team presents four small-scale projects for home builders considering entry into the multifamily market
Design Home Design: Close Quarters Creating attractive, marketable homes for lots with tight setbacks is a matter of give and take among the builder, the architect, the neighbors, and city zoning and planning authorities.
Design Home Design: Making the Grade With flat, level lots in ever-decreasing supply, it behooves builders to become more creative with hillside sites.
Affordability House Review: Designs for First-Time Buyers House plans for today’s first-time buyers must combine value with delivering on their desire for amenities
Design NKBA unveils inaugural Professional of the Year contest National Kitchen & Bath Association offers a trip to Spain to the the winner of its first-ever Professional of the Year challenge.
The Design Side Great books for home design Back to the Cabin: More Inspiration for the Classic American Getaway. This companion piece to 2001’s “The Cabin” is a collection of 37...