Home builders can expect lumber prices to remain fairly stable for 2009, and they're now at levels about one-third lower than they were at the height of the housing boom, according to reports from Random Lengths.
We're pleased to call your attention to Professional Builder’s annual “100 Best New Products” feature, which showcases the very best new home building products available nationwide. Products that have won our award represent either a technolog
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn. Are they a waste of time and energy, or are they a serious marketing tool in which early adapters are cashing in? Here is some insight.
It's decidedly simple and true to its roots. Not a "Gone with the Wind" plantation but a laid-back, Lowcountry design, this home in Bluffton, S.,C., earned the highest accolade from the 2008 Best in American Living Award judges: Home of the Year.