Flo Technologies recently partnered with Moen to develop and distribute its water-monitoring and leak-prevention system for the home. See the system in action in the video above.
So flow by Moen is a water monitoring and control device for the home one device installs on the main water supply line learns all of the habits of how people use water in their home to basically identify any vulnerabilities in the entire plumbing system we met the Moen team probably about a year ago at CES we think it was a match made in heaven and culturally the companies are very similar in terms of how we work and a lot of passion about giving a great user experience not only to the end user which is you know the actual homeowner but along the way partnering with the right professional is partnered with the right home builders so one of the things that we do is we identify whether there are even tiny drips of water anywhere in the plumbing system the reason that's important is because those small drips will quickly turn into something bigger and something bigger now the device is actually proactively monitoring to see whether this is normal or not for the home as soon as it sees is something that's abnormal for the home you're gonna see the device automatically shut off the water to the home thereby preventing water damage from happening this device also helps bring like for example the pro channel much closer to their homeowners right like this device needs to be professionally installed but also as soon as we install it we can identify a drip as small as a drop of water a minute happening anywhere in the home so now it creates an opportunity for that pro to identify the issue and help the homeowner put their home and better repair all together really simple installation professional would cut into the main water supply line they need about six inches of space kind of insert the device in the main water supply line plug it into the power regular 110 power is what you need you need Wi-Fi and then the entire system is controlled from your smart phone app.