Most photovoltaics last between 25 and 30 years, and the amount of energy panels that can be expected to produce degrades is between 0.5% and 0.8% per year, per the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Although 30-plus years may seem like a long time, some panels installed by early adopters might be ready to come down soon.
The industry will need to start thinking about waste management solutions. Figuring out the most cost-effective way to deconstruct and recycle solar panels, which comprises glass, metal and silicon wafers, is still a question for the industry, as many are made with adhesives that can be difficult to remove. Although one solar company already has a module recycling program, limited facilities exist, and that time to decommission panels will be here before we know it. One new California regulation recently re-classified solar PV panels as universal waste, which could make panel recycling easier. That category changes how long the panels can be held onsite before being discarded and has fewer requirements for hazardous material testing.
The National Association of Home Builders offers the solar toolkit, a resource to help builders navigate the world and life cycles of solar panels and inverters.