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Roy Diez's Editorial Archives

Feeling pressure from environmentalists and competitive alternative materials alike, the wood industry has banded together to go on the offensive, launching a major promotional and educational campaign called Be Constructive WOOD.

More than 120 wood product manufacturers and allied industry associations, the largest-ever coalition of such organizations, have formed the Wood Promotion Network (WPN) and funded it with a three-year war chest of $45 million.

The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood
The Benefits of Wood

The WPN has been charged with developing a nationwide education program to build awareness of wood as a superior building material, clear up misconceptions about wood, and tout the environmental and building benefits of wood (see the accompanying box out).

The campaign is designed to help builders and retailers get the best out of wood for their customers and will be supported by a consumer ad campaign developed by Bozell Chicago and a major new Web site,

The Web site offers builders information and business support resources and provides do-it-yourselfers with tips and projects that can add real value to any home, DIYers also can benefit from tools on buying and working with builders and other professionals to construct their dream homes. Professional sections include information on builder issues, such as labor- and cost-saving framing systems, housing trends, engineered components and panels, green building and alternative building systems, plus a collection of marketing case studies, featured homes and developments.

Says Kelly McCloskey, WPN president and CEO: "We want everyone to know why wood continues to be the preferred building material for builders and homeowners alike."

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