Building Operations Visualizing your future This pottery is the future. OK, not the pottery itself. What the pottery represents… is the future. Our future. This ceramic...
Customer Satisfaction Have you Drunk the Social Media Kool-Aid? When I was part of a growing home building company we learned to be on guard for the newest “technology” coming down the pike that promised...
Quality Management The costs of not using quality: Are you willing to pay for quality in your business? Studies show that across industries Cost of Quality (Failure, Appraisal & Prevention) is: 2.6-4% of sales revenue. In the...
The Design Side The Renovation Revolution … on TV Did you know that Bronson Pinchot has a show on the DIY Network? That’s right, folks — Balki renovates houses! It turns out that Pinchot,...
The Design Side Attainable sustainability in the ‘hood Green building has touched nearly every new-home price point in urban areas as well as the suburbs. A recent Chicago Sun-Times article...
Building Operations Gordon Gekko and the information imperative. Yesterday we revisited the information-gathering tactics of The Master of the Senate - Lyndon B. Johnson. But when it comes to...
Building Operations What LBJ can teach you about the most valuable commodity. Early in Lyndon Johnson’s senate career, he lobbied for the title of Senate Majority Whip. The more seasoned senators chuckled. ...
Building Operations Do you have Cool Hand Luke Syndrome? Why has high school Spanish failed so many students? Let’s face it - foreign language failure is acceptable in America today. Yes, I...
Customer Satisfaction Do You Really Want More or Less Realtor-Generated New-Home Sales? Helping home builders understand the mechanics of outside real estate agent cooperation
Building Operations What high school theology taught me about Spanish. I attended a Catholic high school. Nuns. Uniforms. Morning prayers. Mass injected into random school days. And...