Building Operations What “The Elf on the Shelf” can teach you about productivity, leadership. The Elf on my Shelf isn’t working effectively. Instead of duping my 5 year-old into behaving like a Christmas angel, it’s giving...
Building Operations Spanish Twins: The fastest way to learn Construction Spanish. 1. Metal 2. Material 3. Plan 4. Base 5. Idea 6. Hospital 7. Doctor 8. Vertical 9. Horizontal 10. Diagonal ...
Building Operations What's in your vocab? 2 words for a smarter vocabulary. 1. Twitter 2. Gangnam Style 3. Like 4. Gronkowski 5. Angry Birds 6. Linsanity 7. Kardashian 8. Middleton 9. 50 Shades ...
Building Operations Rented profits + 3.5 steps to reduce your risk. Do you know what the Spanish term for Profitability is? It’s Rentabilidad. RENTABILIDAD (rayn-tah-bee-lee-DAHD) Profitability ...
Building Operations Are you demographically delusional? Remember the DeLorean? If the name doesn’t conjure up an immediate mental image, this will: Remember the car from Back to the Future? ...
Building Operations Do your Sales people act like this? Recently I visited a host of builder sites in Florida. My objective was to have a direct comparison of many builders’ models, sales...
Building Operations Don't encourage bad bird behavior! I recently made the decision to relocate from Rochester, New York to Sarasota, Florida. Leaving annual accumulations of snow averaging 130...
Building Operations Do you work for this egomaniacal business owner? One of the advantages of consulting with businesses across the US is you see the companies that get it and the many companies that don’t....
Building Operations Should you outsource your people function? Most small to mid size builders today have found themselves without any internal professional Human Resource function. Either that function...
Building Operations Giving thanks is not just for Thanksgiving! Well ladies and gentleman, we made it through another year. A year of bankruptcies with several top 100 builders, uncertainty in the job...