Building Operations Don't let your ego get in the way of cost savings Talking to builders today about improving the cost and efficiency can be an interesting proposition. When the topic is directed to managing...
Building Operations Why most Builders are stating they can't find the right talent In the Wall Street Journal on 10/24 an article was published indicating that 52% of US companies were reporting major difficulty in filling...
Building Operations Live and work without execuses Not a day goes by that I don’t experience multiple builders telling me why improvement in their business won’t happen. The economy, the lack...
Building Operations Break from the pack, and do it now I recently saw the movie "MoneyBall" with Brad Pitt as the lead playing a GM of the Oakland A’s baseball team. For the readers who have not...
Building Operations How to lower your fixed payroll cost by at least 40% Recently, there has been a lot of press about football player’s compensation. Specifically, many of the new contracts written for superstar...
Building Operations 72% of home building employee's indicate they would resign if an employment alternative existed ! I recently conducted an online survey of over 1200 home building employees. The survey asked the question,” If the US market was good today,...
Building Operations Misunderstood communication issues will derail your business strategies In every industry I have worked in, Communication seems to be the common denominator, of dysfunctionality. We write books about, train our...
Building Operations Using a outside consultant could give you the extra you need..... From 1979 to 2001 I worked in high level positions within corporate America. I was always surprised over the number of consultants that...
Building Operations The white elephant still exist for leaders in coaching For over 30 years I have worked with executives that indicate they are interested in improving their skills, leadership ability or their...
Building Operations Are you afraid of getting better? As a consultant, I literally spend 30 hours a week on the phone with builder owners, CEO’s and senior level staff of Home builder’s, Real...