Innovation Disaster Resliency Could Be Selling Point for Solar Panels and Batteries In the wake of three powerful Atlantic hurricanes this year that caused widespread power outages, some homeowners may find solar panels and...
Energy Efficiency Building Energy-Efficient Multifamily Homes These U.S. Department of Energy Housing Innovation Awards winners show that small-scale multifamily is making big-time strides
Products New Building Products: A Builder's Essential Role Products are greener, more durable, and better looking than ever before. But what about those that make work easier? You can play a key part
Best Practices Factory In Thailand Can Produce 1,000 Homes Per Year Prefabricated home factories in the U.S. use robots and advanced tech, but they still resemble the traditional factory and assembly line....
Single-Family Homes The Happy Collaboration of BONE And Brunn Architect Dan Brunn is utilizing BONE Structure's light steel-frame building technology to erect a 210-foot-long home that straddles a brook
The Design Side NextHaus Alliance Promotes Resilient Design NextHaus Alliance is a team approach to designing and building custom homes that are not only sustainable, but resilient
Home Technology University Program Is Building A House That Monitors Health A professor and his students at the University of Kansas School of Architecture have been awarded more than $50,000 to construct a smart...
Building Technology Cleveland Among Cities That Offer The Best-Paying STEM Jobs San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland are well-known giants in the STEM field. Cleveland isn’t famous in that regard, but it sure pays like...
Codes + Standards Amphibious Homes The Solution For Some In Flood Zones A rising tide will lift all homes that have floatation capabilities
Project Management Manufactured Housing Company Clayton Homes Introduces New Delivery System Clayton Homes, a builder of manufactured housing and modular homes, announced the launch of a new division. HousingWire reports that...