Business Management 12 Things I Wish I Knew About Building Before I Turned 40 Sharing lessons learned in the hope that the next generation of industry leaders can avoid making the same mistakes
Business Management What I Learned From Bill, Part 2 10 lessons from Bill Pulte, the Master Builder. Part two in a two-part series
Business Management 2018 Housing Giants: Strategic Cost Cutting Housing Giants seek economies of scale, operational efficiencies, and downsized designs in an effort to make homes more affordable
Business Management Best Practices 7 Steps to Quality Homes (It's All About Process) Why a process-centered home building company is a healthy company
Business Management So, You Want to Be a Production Builder? The transition from custom to production requires far more than just a portfolio of standard plans
Business Management Why Dr. W. Edwards Deming Never Gets Old Solid advice from an expert who's been around awhile: Consider your operating philosophy thoughtfully
Business Management What’s Your Core Competitive Strategy? There’s no one-size-fits-all-markets game plan for builders that want to grow, but guiding principles can offer direction
Business Management Doc, We Hardly Knew Ye Most industries have seen massive productivity gains since the ’50s—except home building. But if we took Deming's teachings to heart, things might be different
Business Management The VPO Cure: Step-by-Step Guide to Reduce Waste and Boost Your Bottom Line Any work commissioned after the start of a home spells waste, and that waste is crippling. Here’s the fix
Business Management What Lies Beneath—the Sinking of a Home Builder You can have as many plans, elevations, and options as you like, but only if you have the systems, processes, and staff to seamlessly handle them