Codes + Standards Smaller Markets Join Big Cities In Facing Affordable Housing Challenge Smaller communities in Wyoming, Massachusetts, and Washington are having problems creating affordable housing
Codes + Standards Ohio Governor Moves To Lift Freeze On State’s Clean Energy Standards Ohio Gov. John Kasich vetoed a house bill that would have extended a freeze on the state's clean energy standards
Codes + Standards Portland Is Second City To Adopt A Home Energy Score Requirement A Home Energy Score provides homeowners with information about their home’s energy performance and recommends improvement projects that can save energy and lower utility bills
Codes + Standards Programs Provide Financing For Energy Efficiency Upgrades Homeowners can use programs such as PACE and HERO to afford new advancements in air conditioning, fenestration, and appliances
Codes + Standards California’s Housing Shortage Will Get Worse Housing production statewide has been more than 100,000 new homes short of demand annually over the last decade
Jobsite Safety OSHA Pushes More Proactive Approach to Construction Site Safety Some companies have adopted remote operated camera systems to mitigate risk in real time
Codes + Standards Boston’s Plans For New Development At Odds With Flood Projections Four of the five growth areas, including the booming Seaport District in South Boston, are vulnerable to flooding according to a new report
Codes + Standards Solar Power Batteries For Homes Gaining Market Traction Homeowners are beginning to adopt solar power batteries to use in conjunction with rooftop PVs. In addition to storing power for use at...
Codes + Standards How Passive House Standard Saves Money On Heating And Cooling Layers of extra-thick insulation and triple-pane windows that use solar gain to produce heat are keys to the concept
Codes + Standards Percentage Of Young Adults Living With Family Reaches 75-Year High Rising rents, high home prices and student debt, are preventing many millennials from buying their own homes