Codes + Standards Vermont Power Company Offers Program To Help Customers Go Off The Grid A new pilot program provides off-grid PV and battery storage systems for customers located far off the grid
Codes + Standards Evaluating Cost/Benefit Of Solar Takes Into Account Climate, Local Utility Cost, Incentives The average cost of rooftop solar power is now equivalent to the national average for utility-supplied electricity, or about 12¢ per kWh
Codes + Standards Proposal To Make Homes In Austin Solar-Ready Prompts Plumbing Code Debate The Austin Homebuilders Association expressed concerns over increased costs
Codes + Standards Google-Initiated Program Aims To Get Construction Industry To Use Healthier Building Materials The Portico platform features a product database organized by manufacturer, product category, and whether the product meets LEED and Living Building Challenge standards
Codes + Standards Popularity Of PV Installation In Connecticut City Causes Inspection Backlog Bridgeport’s solar installation numbers jumped more than doubled to 350 last year, which has led to a three-month backlog
Codes + Standards Majority Of Building Code Inspectors Are Nearing Retirement The housing industry is preparing for a shortage of code officials. CityLab reports that, according to a survey from the International...
Codes + Standards Missouri Legislator Proposes Voluntary Registration For Roofers Supporters of the bill say it would help reduce instances of fraud
Codes + Standards Survey Identifies Untapped Solar Power Potential In The Northeast Redfin identified 10 cities in the region with the most potential for solar development
Codes + Standards After Deadly Weekend, FLASH Calls For Better Codes To Withstand Tornadoes The Dual-Objective-Based Tornado Design Philosophy adds about $1 per square foot to the cost of construction to improve structural performance
Codes + Standards Newer Structural Standards Mitigating Earthquake Impacts In Oklahoma Newer buildings are holding up to an rising number of earthquakes in the state, caused by increased fracking for oil and natural gas