Affordability 2020's Best Real Estate Markets For Buying WalletHub identified the best real estate markets for those looking to invest in property. The site compared 300 cities across 24 criteria...
Economics Younger Millennials Are Flooding the Market Millennials took advantage of July’s low mortgage rates, especially younger Millennials. National Mortgage News describes younger...
New-Home Sales How Affordable Are Homes for First-Time Buyers? If rising prices, historically low inventory, an entire pandemic, and record unemployment did not keep first-time buyers away, will anything...
Economics Millennials Are a Driving Force for the Market's Rebound If generational home buying were a race, Millennials would be stealing first place right now from Baby Boomers. As a generation once viewed...
Demographics Where the Buyers Are (Moving To and Leaving) It may not be an exodus but there is a growing migration from expensive coastal cities to more affordable real estate markets inland thanks...
Sales More Millennials Are Settling in the Suburbs, But Not to Raise Families While some may still think the suburbs invoke disdain in younger generations, numbers are proving more Millennials may want the calmer...
Sales Which States Are Rich Gen Xers Moving To? Moving trends can say a lot about an area and the demographics within. Where wealthy Gen Xers flock to can help identify factors most...
Financing How Much Income Is Needed to Live in the Largest U.S. Cities? As the pandemic continues wreaking havoc on Americans' financial stability, less than 88% of apartment households made full or partial rent...
Sales Who Is the Average 2020 U.S. Homebuyer? Point2Homes, an online real estate marketplace, analyzed five months worth of searches on its site to determine the average 2020 American...
Demographics Which Generations Make Up the Majority of U.S. Population? Millennials, Gen Zers, and all other younger generations now makeup over half of the U.S. population, just beating out older generations by...