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This article first appeared in the PB January 2009 issue of Pro Builder.

Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity, has a good tip up his sleeve because so many home buyers — he cites 80 percent — search online. Look at your Web site the way a visitor would. Think of your models and floor plans and consider what they're named. If they fall in the Lavender-Sunset View-Monticelo category, change how you're naming them. The names are meaningless, Jones says, because they don't tell the visitor anything about the model. Instead, label the plans according to square footage, the architectural style, starting price or the type of home it is. This way when a potential home buyer comes to look at your floor plans online, they know what they're looking at quickly, and the name becomes a keyword that's likely more popular than the original name. He offered his tip at the Professional Builder Benchmark and Avid Leadership Conference.
