Customer Satisfaction 10 Ways to a Customer-Centric Culture Consistency, effectiveness, and success depend upon precisely documented expectations for your entire home building team
Construction Quality Quality Assurance—How to Build an Effective Program and Why It Matters Builders and industry consultants talk about what’s working and how to build a program to ensure quality standards are consistently being met
Quality Matters Building Garages That Are Airtight Garages are a difficult area to correctly detail, but also one of the most important
Business Management Get From Here to There: A Road Map for Strategic Growth Without a commitment to action, a strategic plan is just a wish list. Follow these steps to go from plan to reality
Human Resources Tips for Hiring, Training, and Recruiting Millennials Decoding the work habits of Millennials may feel like learning a new language, but for the health of your business, it's imperative
features Rent Rates Have Increased In Denver The median rent price in the Denver metro area rose $31.21 in the second quarter to $1,376. The Denver Post reports that demand is sky...
features Startup Is Making Geothermal Systems More Affordable A New York startup called Dandelion has created a new process for installing, packaging, and financing home geothermal systems, making them...
features Foreign Buyers Set New Sales Record In the 12 months ending in March, foreign buyers purchased $153 billion worth of U.S. residential real estate, a 49 percent increase from...
features Clayton Introduces Augmented Reality App For Prospective Buyers Clayton, one of the nation’s largest builders, has launched Home Previewer, a mobile app that gives shoppers a 3D view of how a home would...
features Codes And Zoning Policies Remain Biggest Obstacles For Tiny Homes Homes are getting bigger, more expensive, and harder to buy. Tiny homes are emerging as a way for renters to finally achieve homeownership...