Codes + Standards EPA's 2017 Construction General Permit Now In Effect A CGP is required for most sites that will disturb one or more acres of land
Doors Exclusive Research: Window and Door Preferences Quality and energy efficiency are the top factors for picking windows, while price rules for door selection
Forty Under 40 Professional Builder's 2017 40 Under 40 Awards Honoring home building's young achievers and leaders
Business Management Does the Old School Still Rule? A lesson in how essential truths endure and key best practices remain relevant in home building
Purchasing The Strategic Power of Purchasing for Home Builders Climbing prices are shutting out some potential buyers, but savvy purchasing can help offset pressures exerted by market conditions
Quality Matters Tips for Conquering Drywall Cracks in Walls and Ceilings At best, drywall cracks are annoying; at worst, they hint at a deeper issue. Follow these steps to keep your drywall crack-free
Affordability Daniel Parolek on Delivering Walkable, Affordable Missing Middle Homes Building more house-scale buildings with multiple units may be one way to address the dearth of housing inventory
Leadership 7 Secrets to Building Teamwork In home building, beware of heroes, because teamwork is everything. Here's how to make sure it's happening
Home Technology The New American Home 2017: Kitchen and Bath Highlights The standout kitchen and bath features in The New American Home 2017 offer innovation, luxury, and new takes on the tried and true
Market Data + Trends Estimating The Number Of Children Per Home Builders need to keep in mind impact fees, so NAHB tabulated the average number of school-age children in housing units across the country