New-Home Marketing Is Your Marketing Working? Find the appropriate mix of traditional marketing and new media by measuring the results and adjusting accordingly
Builder of the Year 2014 Builder of the Year: Goodall Homes Goodall Homes did more than make counterintuitive decisions during the downturn; the builder became an open book to its staff.
features Texas Recession Looms Due to the dramatic decrease in the cost of oil, Texas’ shale industry has suffered and could send the state into a recession, CNN reported ...
features US Housing Stock Adds $1.7 Trillion in Value A new report by Zillow Real Estate Research found that the aggregate value of all homes nationwide is expected to rise by $1.7 trillion to...
features Falling Gas Prices Makes Suburban Living More Valuable According to the Washington Post, the recent drop in gas prices means that those living in suburban neighborhoods outside of large...
features Urban Land Institute Analyzes Increasing Interest in Micro Units While the cost of living in a big city continues to grow, more people are willing to “live small” in order to afford it all, new research...
features National Rents Reach Six-Year High Information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that annual rent inflation rose to 3.5 percent in November, the highest since...
features Nearly Half of Buyers Think Getting a Mortgage is Easy Research from the Federal National Mortgage Association’s National Housing Survey and Mortgage Lender Sentiment Survey found that half of...
features Housing Experts Offer Predictions for 2015 The National Association of Realtors said it expects continued improvement in the housing market despite slow growth of home sales in 2014.
Codes + Standards APA Launches Online Calculator to Streamline the Wall Bracing Process APA-The Engineered Wood Association’s new online Wall Line Bracing Calculator eases wall bracing by streamlining the process.