I have seen a few companies define what they believe with statements under headings such as 'we believe' or 'basic beliefs.' Somehow, a statement of beliefs seems stronger than a mission statement.
D.R. Horton and Pulte Homes both forecast immense unit and revenue growth as they continue to duel for the top spot in PB's rankings. But there are reasons to believe their targets will be hard to hit.
I spent the entire holiday season reading about selling. In particular, I read everything I could about closing a sale. No other area of selling seems as popular as closing. More words, more pages and more books are dedicated to closing than any other pa
How do the GIANTS stack up against each other? Which performance measures separate one group from another? Where do opportunities for improvement lie within each organization, within each group? Check out the data below from the 2004 GIANTS and see w
A recent IBM television commercial explored the fantasy of using magic pixie dust to fix damaged servers. Sprinkle pixie dust on crashed servers, and like magic, they work. Use a little dust regularly, and the servers remain operational. With rising inte
Mack Bissette, CEO of Atlanta-based Springdale Homes, sister company of SRG Homes and Neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Fla., specializes in New Urbanist designs that blend with existing housing.
Austin, Texas, real estate broker Stan Barron reached $15 million to $20 million a year in sales in part by specializing in new homes that haven't moved.
Groping, according to that master wordsmith Webster, means to feel about blindly or uncertainly; to feel one's way. Few CEOs, and certainly none at the helm of home building production machines, accept this problem-solving mode from their managers. Muc..