Market Data + Trends 5 Ways the Housing Market Is Responding to Shifts in Consumer Behavior A roundup of some of the housing industry's current trends
Coronavirus Resources and Information Washington Issues Statewide Ban on Construction as Boston’s Moratorium Continues Unless a Washington builders’ company is involved in essential functions such as healthcare, they will now stay home: Washington issued a...
New-Home Sales Homebuyers Cautious But Optimistic Despite Coronavirus Pandemic Between economic concerns, shelter-at-home-orders, and fluctuating mortgage rates, many homebuyers are not keen on buying a home right now....
Coronavirus Resources and Information Shut Down or Still Working, Builders Respond to Coronavirus The impact of the coronavirus on builders differs from state to state. Here's how some companies are dealing with being shut down and the protocols others are implementing to keep work areas safe
Coronavirus Resources and Information New York State Halts All Evictions Indefinitely Amid COVID-19 Emergency New York State officials have ordered all eviction proceedings in the state to stop indefinitely amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Tenant...
Financing Mortgage Applications Fall Amid Coronavirus Fears Weekly mortgage applications dropped 14.2 percent from last week. In the first year-over-year drop in three months, they were down 11.2...
Construction Is Building Luxury Condos Essential? Construction continues around much of the country despite other industries coming to a screeching halt. It makes sense: We are still in dire...
Multifamily Renters Continue the Hunt for Apartments Despite COVID-19 The coronavirus is disrupting almost every industry and corner of American life. The group seeming unchanged by it all? Renters—at least...
Sales Stay-at-Home Orders Put a Hold on the Housing Market In just one week, homebuying demand went from holding a 1% increase over last year to plunging 27% compared with the same time in 2019,...
Sales How Are Builders Being Affected by the Coronavirus? Buying a home during a global pandemic may not be the best timing, and buyer traffic is reflecting that uncertainty: 81 percent of...