Sales Virtual Showings Surge for Real Estate Companies Real estate's theme of the month is “Look, but don’t touch.” Virtual showings are surging for real estate companies as the industry pivots...
Codes + Standards Feds Urge Construction Companies to Donate N95 Masks to Hospitals Vice President Mike Pence has made an urgent plea to the construction industry and other industries to donate N95 masks to hospitals and...
Sales New Home Sales Dip 4.4% in February, But Still Near Cycle-High New home sales dropped 4.4 percent in February from January’s 13-year high, but it was still the second highest pace since 2007. Compared to...
Construction How Texas Home Builders Are Weathering the Coronavirus Storm Home building in Texas amid the coronavirus continues, but the going is slow: Sales are down, permitting is delayed, and the limitations on...
Financing Weekly Mortgage Applications Fall 29% As Homebuyers Pull Back In the time of the coronavirus, Americans are not in the mood to buy homes. Considering the high mortgage interest rates in addition to the...
Business Management What Builders Need to Know About the New Family Leave Law In order to keep Americans healthy while also making sure businesses stay afloat, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act gives...
Construction Home Builders Can Continue Working, But Prepare for Delays While other businesses close, those considered essential by local governments can continue, including a majority of builders. Not only are...
Construction Thinking Ahead: COVID-19’s Long- and Short-Term Effects on Real Estate Right now, builders are confronting supply shortages and drops in demand as the coronavirus has brought many American’s daily lives to a...
Codes + Standards Energy Efficient Roof Tax Credits Extended The Federal Property Tax Credits incentives for installing energy efficient roofs have been retroactively extended until Dec. 31, 2020. The...
Construction How Is the Coronavirus Affecting Homebuilders? Builders are not strangers to crisis. Just over a decade ago, the housing industry tanked, prompting the Great Recession. But now they face...