NAHB NAHB’s 2020 Chairman Talks About Housing’s Future and Initiatives for Diversity Punctuating a decades-long commitment to the NAHB at the local, state, and national levels, Hudson County, N.J., builder Dean Mon is now chairman
Multifamily 3 Emerging Trends for Developing 55+ Housing That Will Stick America’s population is skewing older, and designing for a more mature buyer will become increasingly important as that trend continues....
Smart + Resilient Cities How to Build Smart Cities That Empower Communities We’re teetering on the edge of a new age. As technology integrates into nearly every aspect of our life, builders and city planners have the...
Demographics Which Top US Cities Have Recovered the Most Post Great Recession? The Great Recession knocked America’s housing industry off of its feet, but in the decade since, U.S. cities have picked themselves back up,...
Economics Will Interest Rates Continue to Fall? After the bonanza of interest rate cuts during 2019, many experts expected rates to remain low but not necessarily drop again. But last week...
Demographics How the Rise of Remote Work Is Reshaping the Housing Market Before the days of telecommuting, employees often had to switch jobs if they moved: So if a worker loved their job, they were locked into...
Economics Will the Coronavirus Affect the Housing Market? Investor fears due to the coronavirus have pushed the stock market way down after a particularly prosperous 2019. Now, the home building...
Smart + Resilient Cities Bay Area Communities Struggle With What to Do About Rising Sea Levels The Pacific Ocean has risen 4 to 8 inches along the Northern California coast over the last century, and is expected to continue to rise two...
Solar California Backtracks on Solar Mandate for New Homes California regulators approved a proposal to allow builders to construct homes without solar panels if they buy power from community shared...
Green Projects Which States Are Driving Sustainable Building in America? Take it from Kermit: It is not easy being green. But as climate change worsens and natural disasters accelerate, pursuing sustainable...