Demographics Americans Want to Buy Homes. But Can They Afford Them? A whopping 84 percent of Americans say that buying a home is a priority to them, which is a nearly ten percent jump from 2018. Whether it is...
Zoning Nebraska Lawmakers Build Support for Relaxing Density Restrictions Nebraska could become the second state in the nation after Oregon to pass a statewide law on zoning. Single-family homes predominate in...
Design Is This Modular Ceiling Storage System the Solution to San Francisco’s Housing Squeeze? Pop quiz for builders: If you have a standard lot size but need more square footage, what do you do? One possible answer is to build up and...
Demographics How Generational Wealth Affects Homeownership Rates The homeownership rate for people of color has been improving over the years, with black homeownership reaching 44 percent in the last...
Sales iBuyers Nearly Double Market Share in 2019 It is a big day for iBuyers: the top iBuyers purchased one out of every 100 homes sold in 2019. This figure may not sound like a lot, but...
Financing Top 10 States With the Highest—and Lowest—Taxes It is tax season again, and as everyone heads to their local accountant or fumbles around on guided computer programs, homeowners have...
Demographics What Salary Do You Need to Afford a Home in the 15 Largest US Cities? In the building industry, home prices tend to dominate the news, but they are only half of the equation: Knowing the salaries that people...
Sales Home Prices Jump 3.8% Annually in December The housing market is making some serious money moves. Home prices rose 3.8 percent annually in December, a jump from the 3.5 percent gain...
Jobsite Safety Cell Phones Present Safety Hazard at Jobsites Workers who use personal mobile phones on jobsites present safety risks that contractors need to address. Many workers, especially younger...
Design Efficiency and Intelligence Are the New Luxury Luxury buyers are trending away from large, flashy homes to focus their wealth on packing smaller footprints with wellness amenities and...