Demographics Only 12% of Adults Plan to Buy a Home Within Next 12 Months Most people are not in the market for a house. But if they are, they’re most likely to be millennials, according to the NAHB's Housing...
Demographics In Which Surprising Cities Are Rents Falling? Rent can make or break a person’s savings plan. The good news: cities like San Francisco are seeing a downward trend in rent prices. The bad...
Energy Efficiency Could Heat Pumps Be the Next Focus for Energy-Efficiency Gains? As federal standards for lighting improve, utilities and program administrators are looking for new areas of focus for energy efficiency...
Codes + Standards Major Cities Fight Climate Change With New Building Performance Standards Three large jurisdictions adopted Building Performance Standards (BPS) policies in 2019, and more are considering such action. A BPS policy...
Trends The Shocking Amount Americans Spend on Pets Find your company designing home additions such as pet showers and feeding stations for clients’ furry friends? Custom home building with...
Demographics Median Age of First-Time Homebuyers Highest Since 1981 Lack of affordable housing and rising prices pushed the median age of first-time homebuyers up to the oldest age since 1981. Young potential...
Trends VIDEO: Would You Buy a Home With a Friend? An increasing number of single buyers are combating high home prices and piling debt by buying with a friend, according to Realtor's new...
Economics How Climate Change Could Make 30-Year Mortgages Extinct If banks start factoring in climate change, they may stop giving mortgages for houses in high-risk areas prone to climate disasters. But if...
Financing Why Are VA Loans a Great Way to Finance a Home? VA loans are a light in the darkness of rising home prices and the lack of affordable homes. An increasing number of millennials are taking...
Demographics Where Are Millennials, Baby Boomers, and Gen Xers Buying Homes? Urban living often conjures up the image of a single young professional making it big in the city. Yet Gen Xers, rather than millennials,...